Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spain and Dreams

When I was a teenager I lived in Spain. I quickly became enamored with the culture and the lifestyle. Although it has been seven years since my last visit, it still holds a special place in my heart- and in my dreams.

I now reside in Seattle, WA, a sweet city in the Pacific Northwest. I run a small business called EllaFlor which specializes in floral and vibrational essences. It is important to note that I have been working with the F.E.S. and Bach essences for many years, and they have deeply enhanced my dreams and my intuition.

All throughout the summer, my dreams were bringing me back to the cobble stoned streets that I used to walk (miles in very inappropriate high heeled boots, mind you.) I saw the sights and smelled the smells, and wondered how I had arrived without a passport? The dreams were very vivid. In one dream, we were driving to a home in a part of Spain I had never been before. We got out at a home where lovely people made us feel right at home, and I created a pink rose flower essence that made my heart burst open with light and joy. I woke up.

Would you believe a few months later, my dreams came true? My mom and I traveled to Spain in October 09, as she had won a contest sponsored by British Airways & Startup Nation. I contacted Madrid's flower essence Guru, and he invited us to his house in the mountains right outside of Madrid. Cue- twilight zone music here... He told me that I had also appeared to him in his dream, and he was waiting for my call.

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